I always knew I wanted to help people, and after experiencing my own family issues and mental health difficulties in early adulthood, I decided I wanted to be a counsellor.
Before I qualified, I worked in adult mental health, including working in suicide prevention for my local Mind, and also as a mental health care assistant in the NNUH, supporting people receiving treatment for eating disorders.
For most of my career though, I have worked as a group facilitator and keyworker in residential rehab units for people with addictions, where I keyworked vulnerable women, and led the family support groups. Shame is rampant where-ever there is addiction, and I consider it a great privilege that so many people have trusted me enough to open up about the traumas they're trying so hard to cope with.
Helping 'affected others' to understand how someone else's addiction impacts them is something I find very rewarding. Drawing on my previous experiences, I am able to offer small group psychoeducation for families of people with addictions, as an additional service alongside individual counselling.
I am a neurodivergent member of the LGBTQ+ community, and I help autistic and ADHD people to understand what their diagnosis means for them.
I have an advanced diploma and a degree in Integrative Counselling BSc from Middlesex University. During my training, in 2019, I began counselling at a local sexual abuse charity, where I have accrued over 300 client-facing hours, and I still work one day a week.